 * Copyright (C) 2014 Red Hat, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Authors: Radek Novacek <rnovacek@redhat.com>

[ Provider("cmpi:cmpiLMI_Firewalld"), Version("0.0.1"),
  Description("Service for managing Firewalld daemon on the managed system."),
  Experimental ]
class LMI_FirewalldConfigurationService: CIM_Service
    [ Description("Create new Firewalld zone. The zone is created empty and "
        "should be later configured by modifying the LMI_FirewalldZone "
        "instance, or adding rules into it."),
      ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "4096" },
      Values { "Completed with No Error", "Not Supported",
        "Unknown/Unspecified Error", "Failed",
        "Invalid Parameter", "Busy",
        "Method Parameters Checked - Job Started" } ]
    uint32 CreateZone(
        [ Required, IN, Description("Name of the zone.") ]
        string Name,

        [ IN(false), OUT, Description("Created zone object.") ]
        LMI_FirewalldZone REF Zone);

    [ Description("Create new Firewalld service that can be used in "
        "Firewalld rules."),
      ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "4096" },
      Values { "Completed with No Error", "Not Supported",
        "Unknown/Unspecified Error", "Failed",
        "Invalid Parameter", "Busy",
        "Method Parameters Checked - Job Started" } ]
    uint32 CreateService(
        [ Required, IN, Description("Name of the service.") ]
        string Name,

        [ IN(false), OUT, Description("Created service object.") ]
        LMI_FirewalldService REF Service);

    [ Description("Create new ICMP type that can be used in Firewalld rules."),
      ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "4096" },
      Values { "Completed with No Error", "Not Supported",
        "Unknown/Unspecified Error", "Failed",
        "Invalid Parameter", "Busy",
        "Method Parameters Checked - Job Started" } ]
    uint32 CreateICMPType(
        [ Required, IN, Description("Name of the ICMP type.") ]
        string Name,

        [ IN(false), OUT, Description("Created ICMP type object.") ]
        LMI_FirewalldICMPType REF ICMPType);

    [ Description("Apply the zone setting to given IPNetworkConnection."),
      ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "4096" },
      Values { "Completed with No Error", "Not Supported",
        "Unknown/Unspecified Error", "Failed",
        "Invalid Parameter", "Busy",
        "Method Parameters Checked - Job Started" } ]
    uint32 ApplySettingToIPNetworkConnection(
        [ Required, IN, Description("The Firewalld zone to apply.") ]
        LMI_FirewalldZone REF SettingData,

        [ Required, IN, Description("The IPNetworkConnection to which the "
        "zone will be applied.") ]
        CIM_IPNetworkConnection REF IPNetworkConnection,

        [ IN(false), OUT, Description(
            "Reference to the job spawned if the operation "
            "continues after the method returns. This parameter "
            "MUST NOT be null if a value of 4096 is returned. "
            "This parameter MUST be null if any other value is "
            "returned by the method.\n\n"
            "NOTE: This method does not currently return jobs.") ]
        CIM_ConcreteJob REF Job);

[ Association, Provider("cmpi:cmpiLMI_Firewalld"), Version("0.0.1"),
  Description("LMI_HostedFirewalldConfigurationService is an association "
    "between FirewalldConfigurationService and the System which firewall "
    "is managed."), Experimental ]
class LMI_HostedFirewalldConfigurationService: CIM_HostedService
    [ Override("Antecedent"), Description("Computer system which firewall is "
      "managed") ]
    CIM_ComputerSystem REF Antecedent;

    [ Override("Dependent"), Weak, Description("Service for firewall "
      "configuration") ]
    LMI_FirewalldConfigurationService REF Dependent;

[ Provider("cmpi:cmpiLMI_Firewalld"), Version("0.0.1"),
  Description("Firewall zone defines the trust level of the interface used "
    "for a connection. Features that are enabled in the zone are "
    "associated to the instance of this class via LMI_FirewalldZoneComponent."),
  Experimental ]
class LMI_FirewalldZone: CIM_SettingData
    [ Implemented(true), Description("Name of the zone.") ]
    string Name;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("Target defines policy of handling "
        "packets that doesn't match any rule associated to this instance.\n"
        "ACCEPT target is used to accept every packet that doesn't match any "
        "REJECT target will reject all packet that doesn't match any rule with "
        "default firewalld reject type.\n"
        "DROP target will drop all the non-matching packets without any reply "
        "to the sender.\n"
        "Default behavior when no target is specified is to reject the "
      ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3" },
      Values { "No Target", "Accept", "Reject", "Drop" } ]
    uint16 Target;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("Description of the zone.") ]
    string Description;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("Version of the zone.") ]
    string Version;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("Enable masquarading for the firewall "
        "zone.\nThis option is not usable for IPv6.") ]
    boolean Masquarade;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("Allow the traffic on given port "
        "and protocol. Range of ports can be allowed by setting PortRangeEnd "
        "property of LMI_FirewalldPort instance returned from this method.") ]
    uint32 AddPort(
        [ IN, Required, Description("Port to be allowed in given zone") ]
        uint16 Port,

        [ IN, Required, Description("Allow traffic using given protocol"),
          ValueMap { "1", "2" },
          Values { "TCP", "UDP" } ]
        uint16 Protocol,

        [ IN, Required, Description("Mode parameter determines whether the "
            "port will be enabled in current runtime configuration only or "
            "if it will be applied after all future reboots (or "
            "reconfigurations) or both."),
          ValueMap { "0", "1", "2" },
          Values { "Current", "Permanent", "Both" } ]
        uint16 Mode,

        [ IN(false), OUT, Description("Instance of LMI_FirewalldPort class "
            "that represents that given port (or range of ports) is allowed "
            "in the given zone.") ]
        LMI_FirewalldPort REF FirewalldPort);

    [ Implemented(true), Description("Allow an existing firewalld service "
        "in the zone.") ]
    uint32 AddService(
        [ IN, Required, Description("Service that will be allowed.") ]
        LMI_FirewalldService REF Service,

        [ IN, Required, Description("Mode parameter determines whether the "
            "service will be enabled in current runtime configuration only or "
            "if it will be applied after all future reboots (or "
            "reconfigurations) or both."),
          ValueMap { "0", "1", "2" },
          Values { "Current", "Permanent", "Both" } ]
        uint16 Mode);

    [ Implemented(true), Description("Block given Internet Control Message "
        "Protocol (ICMP) packets in the zone.") ]
    uint32 AddICMPBlock(
        [ IN, Required, Description("Type of ICMP packet that will be "
            "blocked.") ]
        LMI_FirewalldICMPType REF ICMPType,

        [ IN, Required, Description("Mode parameter determines whether the "
            "ICMP type will be blocked in current runtime configuration only or "
            "if it will be applied after all future reboots (or "
            "reconfigurations) or both."),
          ValueMap { "0", "1", "2" },
          Values { "Current", "Permanent", "Both" } ]
        uint16 Mode);

    [ Implemented(true), Description("Enable port forwarding in the zone. "
        "Other properties of the port forwarding can be set by modification "
        "of LMI_FirewalldForwardPort instance returned from this method.") ]
    uint32 AddForwardPort(
        [ IN, Required, Description("Port to be forwarded. By default, "
            "the port is forwarded to itself on the same machine. Modify the "
            "returned instance of LMI_FirewalldForwardPort to set the "
            "destination address and/or the destination port.") ]
        uint16 Port,

        [ IN, Required, Description("Forward traffic on the given protocol"),
          ValueMap { "1", "2" },
          Values { "TCP", "UDP" } ]
        uint16 Protocol,

        [ IN, Required, Description("Mode parameter determines whether the "
            "port forwarding will be enabled in current runtime configuration "
            "only or if it will be applied after all future reboots (or "
            "reconfigurations) or both."),
          ValueMap { "0", "1", "2" },
          Values { "Current", "Permanent", "Both" } ]
        uint16 Mode,

        [ IN(false), OUT, Description("Instance of LMI_FirewalldForwardPort "
            "class that represents that given port (or range of ports) is "
            "allowed in the given zone.") ]
        LMI_FirewalldForwardPort REF ForwardPort);

    [ Implemented(true), Description("Add rich rule to the zone configuration."
        "Rich rules extends the current zone elements (service, port, "
        "icmp-block, masquerade and forward-port) with additional source "
        "and destination addresses, logging, actions and limits for logs "
        "and actions.") ]
    uint32 AddRichRule(
        [ IN, Required, Description("Mode parameter determines whether the "
            "rich rule will be added to current runtime configuration "
            "only or if it will be applied after all future reboots (or "
            "reconfigurations) or both."),
          ValueMap { "0", "1", "2" },
          Values { "Current", "Permanent", "Both" } ]
        uint16 Mode,

        [ IN(false), OUT, Description("Instance of LMI_FirewalldForwardPort "
            "class that represents that given port (or range of ports) is "
            "allowed in the given zone.") ]
        LMI_FirewalldRichRule REF RichRule);

[ Provider("cmpi:cmpiLMI_Firewalld"), Version("0.0.1"), Description(
    "LMI_FirewalldIPNetworkConnectionZone association represents that the "
    "ManagedElement (CIM_IPNetworkConnection) is binded into the Firewalld "
    "zone."), Experimental ]
class LMI_FirewalldIPNetworkConnectionZone: CIM_ElementSettingData
    [ Key, Description("Network connection that is in the zone."),
      Override("ManagedElement") ]
    CIM_IPNetworkConnection REF ManagedElement;

    [ Key, Description("Firewalld zone."), Override("SettingData") ]
    LMI_FirewalldZone REF SettingData;

[ Association, Provider("cmpi:cmpiLMI_Firewalld"), Version("0.0.1"),
    Description("LMI_HostedFirewalldZone association denotes which Firewalld "
    "zones are available on given Computer System.\n"
    "One of the zones can be marked as default and will be used for interfaces "
    "that are not explicitly assigned to another zone."), Experimental ]
class LMI_HostedFirewalldZone: CIM_ElementSettingData
    [ Implemented(true), Description("An enumerated integer that indicates "
        "that the referenced setting is a default setting for the element "
        "or that this information is unknown."),
    ValueMap { "0", "1", "2" },
    Values { "Unknown", "Is Default", "Is Not Default" } ]
    uint16 IsDefault;

    [ Key, Description("Computer System that has the zones available."),
      Override("ManagedElement") ]
    CIM_ComputerSystem REF ManagedElement;

    [ Key, Description("Zone that exist on given Computer System."),
      Override("SettingData") ]
    LMI_FirewalldZone REF SettingData;

[ Provider("cmpi:cmpiLMI_Firewalld"), Version("0.0.1"), Description(
    "LMI_FirewalldRule is an abstract class that represents one rule in the "
    "Firewalld Zone configuration. All the packets matching any of the rules "
    "are accepted. If the packet doesn't match any of the rules, it will be "
    "accepted, rejected or dropped, depending on value of Target property of "
    "associated LMI_FirewalldZone."), Experimental ]
class LMI_FirewalldRule: CIM_SettingData
    [ Implemented(true), Description("Extend current rule with some "
        "detailed specification. For example add a new port to the "
        "service definition.\n"
        "TODO: specify what rules are allowed to add to what rule.") ]
    uint32 AddRuleComponent(
        [ IN, Required, Description("Firewalld Rule that should extend "
            "the rule.") ]
        LMI_FirewalldRule REF Rule);

[ Association, Provider("cmpi:cmpiLMI_Firewalld"), Version("0.0.1"),
  Description("LMI_FirewalldZoneComponent association describes Rules that "
      "are part of the Zone. There is two layers of configuration, Current and "
      "Permanent, Current configuration describes how is the firewall "
      "configured right now. Permanent configuration on the other hand "
      "describes the state of firewall after system reboot or firewalld service "
      "reconfiguration."), Experimental ]
class LMI_FirewalldZoneComponent: CIM_OrderedComponent
    [ Implemented(true), Description("True value of the IsCurrent property "
        "means that the Rule (PartComponent) is a part of current (run-time) "
        "zone configuration.") ]
    boolean IsCurrent;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("True value of the IsPermanent property "
        "means that the Rule (PartComponent) is a part of permanent "
        "zone configuration.") ]
    boolean IsPermanent;

    [ Key, Description("Firewalld Zone that the Rule is part of."),
      Override("GroupComponent") ]
    LMI_FirewalldZone REF GroupComponent;

    [ Key, Description("Firewalld Rule that describes behavior for incoming "
        "packets."), Override("PartComponent") ]
    LMI_FirewalldRule REF PartComponent;

[ Association, Provider("cmpi:cmpiLMI_Firewalld"), Version("0.0.1"),
  Description("LMI_FirewalldRuleComponent association binds several rules "
    "together to represent that one Rule has relation with other Rules.\n"
    "For example service can consist from several ports (or port ranges) that "
    "needs to be opened so the service traffic can pass the firewall."),
  Experimental ]
class LMI_FirewalldRuleComponent: CIM_OrderedComponent
    [ Key, Description("GroupComponent Firewalld Rule is the general rule that "
        "is extended by more specific PartComponent Rule."),
      Override("GroupComponent") ]
    LMI_FirewalldRule REF GroupComponent;

    [ Key, Description("Specific Firewalld Rule that describes some part of "
        "the GroupComponent Rule."), Override("PartComponent") ]
    LMI_FirewalldRule REF PartComponent;

[ Provider("cmpi:cmpiLMI_Firewalld"), Version("0.0.1"),
  Description("LMI_FirewalldService represents known service. Apart from "
    "properties defined in this class, Service also can have FirewalldPorts "
    "associated via LMI_FirewalldRuleComponent association. Firewalld service "
    "makes it easier to enable and disable access to a service."),
  Experimental ]
class LMI_FirewalldService: LMI_FirewalldRule
    [ Implemented(true), Description("Name of the service.") ]
    string Name;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("Optional description of the service.") ]
    string Description;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("Optional destination network IP address "
        "(with prefix possibly specified in the IPv4DestinationPrefixLength "
        "property) or plain IP address. The use of hostnames is not "
        "recommended, because these will only be resolved at service "
        "activation and transmitted to the kernel.") ]
    string IPv4Destination;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("Optional IP network prefix. "
        "IPv4Destination must be specified if this property is set.") ]
    uint8 IPv4DestinationPrefixLength = null;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("Optional destination network IP address "
        "(with prefix possibly specified in the IPv6DestinationPrefixLength "
        "property) or plain IP address. The use of hostnames is not "
        "recommended, because these will only be resolved at service "
        "activation and transmitted to the kernel.") ]
    string IPv6Destination;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("Optional IP network prefix. "
        "IPv6Destination must be specified if this property is set.") ]
    uint8 IPv6DestinationPrefixLength = null;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("List of kernel netfilter helpers that "
        "will be used.") ]
    string modules[];

    [ Implemented(true), Description("Add port (or port range to the service "
        "configuration. Range of ports can be allowed by setting PortRangeEnd "
        "property of LMI_FirewalldPort instance returned from this method.") ]
    uint32 AddPort(
        [ IN, Required, Description("Port to be allowed in given zone") ]
        uint16 Port,

        [ IN, Required, Description("Allow traffic using given protocol"),
          ValueMap { "1", "2" },
          Values { "TCP", "UDP" } ]
        uint16 Protocol,

        [ IN, Required, Description("Mode parameter determines whether the "
            "port will be enabled in current runtime configuration only or "
            "if it will be applied after all future reboots (or "
            "reconfigurations) or both."),
          ValueMap { "0", "1", "2" },
          Values { "Current", "Permanent", "Both" } ]
        uint16 Mode,

        [ IN(false), OUT, Description("Instance of LMI_FirewalldPort class "
            "that represents that given port (or range of ports) is allowed "
            "in the given zone.") ]
        LMI_FirewalldPort REF FirewalldPort);

[ Provider("cmpi:cmpiLMI_Firewalld"), Version("0.0.1"),
  Description("LMI_FirewalldPort represents a network port on given protocol "
    "which access is managed by the firewall."), Experimental ]
class LMI_FirewalldPort: LMI_FirewalldRule
    [ Implemented(true), Description("Protocol that the port belongs to."),
      ValueMap { "1", "2" },
      Values { "TCP", "UDP" } ]
    uint16 Protocol;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("Port that is managed by the firewall. "
        "It could be also beginning of a port range if PortRangeEnd property "
        "is not null.") ]
    uint16 Port;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("If not null this property represents "
        "ending of port range, beginning is specified by Port property") ]
    uint16 PortRangeEnd = null;

[ Provider("cmpi:cmpiLMI_Firewalld"), Version("0.0.1"),
  Description("LMI_FirewalldSource can be used to bind a source address or "
    "source address range to a zone."), Experimental ]
class LMI_FirewalldSource: LMI_FirewalldRule
    [ Implemented(true), Description("IP family where the IPAddress belongs."),
      ValueMap { "1", "2" },
      Values { "IPv4", "IPv6" } ]
    uint8 IPFamily;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("IP address source that will be bound to "
        "the zone. It can be plain IP address or netwokr IP address with "
        "prefix optionally specified by the Prefix property.") ]
    string IPAddress;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("Prefix for network specified by the "
        "IPAddress property.") ]
    uint8 Prefix = null;

[ Provider("cmpi:cmpiLMI_Firewalld"), Version("0.0.1"),
  Description("LMI_FirewalldICMPType represent rule for incoming ICMP packets. "
    "This rule can be used for blocking these packets."), Experimental ]
class LMI_FirewalldICMPType: LMI_FirewalldRule
    [ Implemented(true), Description("Name of the ICMP type.") ]
    string Name;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("ICMP packet description.") ]
    string Description;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("Describes if the ICMP type is available "
        "on IPv4.") ]
    boolean IPv4Destination;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("Describes if the ICMP type is available "
        "on IPv6.") ]
    boolean IPv6Destination;

[ Provider("cmpi:cmpiLMI_Firewalld"), Version("0.0.1"),
  Description("LMI_FirewalldForwardPort describes forwarding rule in the "
      "firewall. Currently this rule can be used for IPv4 forwarding only, use "
      "LMI_FirewalldRichRule for IPv6."), Experimental ]
class LMI_FirewalldForwardPort: LMI_FirewalldRule
    [ Implemented(true), Description("Local port to be forwarded to "
        "destination. Range of ports can be specified by setting PortRangeEnd "
        "property. In that case, Port is used as beginning of the range and "
        "PortRangeEnd as end of the range.") ]
    uint16 Port;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("If this property is set, whole range of "
        "ports between Port and PortRangeEnd is forwarded, otherwise "
        "only the Port is forwarded.") ]
    uint16 PortRangeEnd = NULL;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("Protocol which ports are forwarded."),
      ValueMap { "1", "2" },
      Values { "TCP", "UDP" } ]
    uint8 Protocol;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("The destination where the traffic is "
        "forwarded to. If the value of this property is not specified, the "
        "traffic will be forwarded to same port (or port range) on the "
        "destination.") ]
    uint16 ToPort = NULL;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("If a port range is forwarded, the "
        "ToPortRange should delimiter destination range of same size as the "
        "input range.") ]
    uint16 ToPortRangeEnd = NULL;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("Destination IPv4 address where is the "
        "traffic forwarded to.") ]
    string ToAddress;

[ Provider("cmpi:cmpiLMI_Firewalld"), Version("0.0.1"), Description("Firewalld "
    "Rich Rules allow more complex firewall rules to be created. The Rich "
    "Rules extends the zone configuration rules with additional source and "
    "destination addresses, logging, actions and limits for the logs and "
    "Each Rich Rule can be extended by associating (via "
    "LMI_FirewalldRuleComponent) instances of following classes: "
    "LMI_FirewalldLogAction, LMI_FirewalldPort, LMI_FirewalldICMPType, "
    "LMI_FirewalldForwardPort, and LMI_FirewalldService. Use AddRuleComponent "
    "method to add rule to the Rich Rule."), Experimental ]
class LMI_FirewalldRichRule: LMI_FirewalldRule
    [ Implemented(true), Description("Family can be used to limit the Rich "
        "Rule to IPv4 or IPv6 only. If the source or destination addresses "
        "are used, then the family must be provided. This is also the case "
        "for port/packet forwarding."),
      ValueMap { "0", "1", "2" },
      Values { "IPv4", "IPv6", "Both" } ]
    uint16 Family;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("SourceAddress can be used to manage the "
        "packets based on its source address. Source address can be either "
        "IPv4/IPv6 address, or network address in which case the "
        "SourceAddressPrefix might be specified.") ]
    string SourceAddress;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("When SourceAddress is network address "
        "this property can be use to specify the network address prefix.") ]
    uint16 SourceAddressPrefix;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("If the SourceAddressInvert property is "
        "true, the source address will be inverted, meaning that all but used "
        "address with match.") ]
    boolean SourceAddressInvert;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("DestinationAddress can be used to manage "
        "the packets based on its destination address. Source address can be "
        "either IPv4/IPv6 address, or network address in which case the "
        "DestinationAddressPrefix might be specified.") ]
    string DestinationAddress;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("When DestinationAddress is network "
        "address this property can be use to specify the network address "
        "prefix.") ]
    uint16 DestinationAddressPrefix;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("If the DestinationAddressInvert property "
        "is true, the destination address will be inverted, meaning that all "
        "but used address with match.") ]
    boolean DestinationAddressInvert;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("Action determines how will be the "
        "incoming packet handled. With Accept all new connection attempts will "
        "be granted. With Reject they will not be accepted and there source "
        "will get a reject message. The reject type can be set to use an "
        "other value using RejectType property.  With Drop all packets will "
        "be dropped immediately, there is no information sent to the source."),
      ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3" },
      Values { "No Target", "Accept", "Reject", "Drop" } ]
    uint16 Action;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("When Action is Reject the reject type "
        "can be specified in this property. For valid reject types see "
        "--reject-with type in iptables-extensions(8) man page. Because "
        "the reject types are different for IPv4 and IPv6 you have to "
        "specify rule family when using reject type.") ]
    string RejectType = NULL;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("This property turns on masquerading "
        "in the rule. A source address can be provided to limit masquerading "
        "to this area, but not a destination address.") ]
    boolean Masquarade;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("Manage the traffic on given port "
        "and protocol. Range of ports can be managed by setting PortRangeEnd "
        "property of LMI_FirewalldPort instance returned from this method.") ]
    uint32 AddPort(
        [ IN, Required, Description("Port to be allowed in given Rich Rule") ]
        uint16 Port,

        [ IN, Required, Description("Manage traffic using given protocol"),
          ValueMap { "1", "2" },
          Values { "TCP", "UDP" } ]
        uint16 Protocol,

        [ IN(false), OUT, Description("Instance of LMI_FirewalldPort class "
            "that represents that given port (or range of ports) is managed "
            "by the Rich Rule.") ]
        LMI_FirewalldPort REF FirewalldPort);

    [ Implemented(true), Description("Manage port forwarding in the Rich Rule. "
        "Other properties of the port forwarding can be set by modification "
        "of LMI_FirewalldForwardPort instance returned from this method.") ]
    uint32 AddForwardPort(
        [ IN, Required, Description("Port to be forwarded. By default, "
        "the port is forwarded to itself on the same machine. Modify the "
        "returned instance of LMI_FirewalldForwardPort to set the "
        "destination address and/or the destination port.") ]
        uint16 Port,

        [ IN, Required, Description("Forward traffic on the given protocol"),
          ValueMap { "1", "2" },
          Values { "TCP", "UDP" } ]
        uint16 Protocol,

        [ IN(false), OUT, Description("Instance of LMI_FirewalldForwardPort "
            "class that represents that given port (or range of ports) is "
            "allowed in the given Rich Rule.") ]
        LMI_FirewalldForwardPort REF ForwardPort);

[ Provider("cmpi:cmpiLMI_Firewalld"), Version("0.0.1"),
  Description("LMI_FirewalldLogAction describes logging of new connection "
      "attempts with kernel logging for example in syslog."), Experimental ]
class LMI_FirewalldLogAction: LMI_FirewalldRule
    [ Implemented(true), Description("Prefix that will be added to the log "
        "message.") ]
    string Prefix;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("Level that will be used when logging "
        "the message. Default value is \"warning\"."),
      ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8" },
      Values { "Unknown", "Emergency", "Alert", "Crititcal", "Error", "Warning", "Notice", "Info", "Debug" } ]
    uint16 Level;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("Limit property can be used to limit "
        "the logging. LimitRate and LimitUnit determine how often will be written new "
        "entry into the log. Maximal value is once per day.") ]
    uint32 LimitRate;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("Unit for limiting logging entries."),
      ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4" },
      Values { "Unknown", "Seconds", "Minutes", "Hours", "Days" } ]
    uint16 LimitUnit;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("If the Audit property is set to True, "
        "logging entries will be sent to the auditd service instead of writing "
        "to syslog.") ]
    boolean Audit;

[ Provider("cmpi:cmpiLMI_Firewalld"), Version("0.0.1"),
  Description("Direct configuration gives more direct access to the firewall. "
    "It allows to directly specify ip(6)tables rule. Direct configuration "
    "should be used only as a last resort when it's not possible to use "
    "LMI_FirwalldZone configuration."), Experimental ]
class LMI_FirewalldDirectConfiguration: CIM_SettingData
    [ Description("Add new Firewalld Chain into the direct configuration.") ]
    uint16 AddDirectChain(
        [ IN, Required, Description("The IP family where the chain will be "
          ValueMap { "1", "2" },
          Values { "IPv4", "IPv6" } ]
        uint8 IPFamily,

        [ IN, Required, Description("The table name where the chain will be "
            "created. This can be one of the tables that can be used for "
            "iptables or ip6tables. For the possible values, please have a "
            "look at the TABLES section in the iptables man pages: For "
            "IPv4 in iptables(8), for IPv6 in ip6tables(8).") ]
        string Table,

        [ IN, Required, Description("The name of the chain, that will be "
            "created. Please make sure that there is no other chain with this "
            "name already.") ]
        string Chain,

        [ IN(false), OUT, Description("Newly created LMI_FirewalldDirectChain "
            "instance.") ]
        LMI_FirewalldDirectChain REF DirectChain);

    [ Description("Add new Firewalld Direct Rule into the direct "
        "configuration.") ]
    uint16 AddDirectRule(
        [ IN, Required, Description("The IP family where the direct rule will "
            "be created."),
          ValueMap { "1", "2" },
          Values { "IPv4", "IPv6" } ]
        uint8 IPFamily,

        [ IN, Required, Description("The table name where the rule will be "
            "added. This can be one of the tables that can be used for "
            "iptables or ip6tables. For the possible values, please have a "
            "look at the TABLES section in the iptables man pages: For "
            "IPv4 in iptables(8), for IPv6 in ip6tables(8).") ]
        string Table,

        [ IN, Required, Description("The name of the chain where the rule will "
            "be added. This can be either a built-in chain or a chain that "
            "has been created with the chain rule. If the chain name is a "
            "built-in chain, then the rule will be added to chain_direct,"
            "else the supplied chain name is used. chain_direct is created "
            "internally for all built-in chains to make sure that the added "
            "rules do not conflict with the rules created by firewalld.") ]
        string Chain,

        [ IN, Required, Description("The priority is used to order rules. "
            "Priority 0 means add rule on top of the chain, with a higher "
            "priority the rule will be added further down. Rules with the "
            "same priority are on the same level and the order of these "
            "rules is not fixed and may change. If you want to make sure "
            "that a rule will be added after another one, use a low priority "
            "for the first and a higher for the following.") ]
        uint32 Priority,

        [ IN, Required, Description("The Rule can be any arguments of iptables "
            "or ip6tables, that do not conflict with the table or chain "
            "attributes.") ]
        string Rule,

        [ IN(false), OUT, Description("Newly created LMI_FirewalldDirectRule "
            "instance.") ]
        LMI_FirewalldDirectRule REF DirectRule);

    [ Description("Add new Firewalld Passthrough Rule.") ]
    uint16 AddDirectPassthough(
        [ IN, Required, Description("The IP family where the passthrough rule "
            "will be created."),
          ValueMap { "1", "2" },
          Values { "IPv4", "IPv6" } ]
        uint8 IPFamily,

        [ IN, Required, Description("The Rule can be any arguments of "
            "iptables or ip6tables.") ]
        string Rule,

        [ IN(false), OUT, Description("") ]
        LMI_FirewalldDirectPassthrough REF Passthrough);

class LMI_FirewalldDirect: CIM_SettingData
    [ Implemented(true), Description(" The IP family where the direct rule "
        "will be created."),
      ValueMap { "1", "2" },
      Values { "IPv4", "IPv6" } ]
    uint8 IPFamily;

class LMI_FirewalldDirectRule: LMI_FirewalldDirect
    [ Implemented(true), Description("The table name where the rule will be "
        "added. This can be one of the tables that can be used for "
        "iptables or ip6tables. For the possible values, please have a "
        "look at the TABLES section in the iptables man pages: For "
        "IPv4 in iptables(8), for IPv6 in ip6tables(8).") ]
    string Table;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("The name of the chain where the rule will "
        "be added. This can be either a built-in chain or a chain that "
        "has been created with the chain rule. If the chain name is a "
        "built-in chain, then the rule will be added to chain_direct,"
        "else the supplied chain name is used. chain_direct is created "
        "internally for all built-in chains to make sure that the added "
        "rules do not conflict with the rules created by firewalld.") ]
    string Chain;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("The Rule can be any arguments of "
        "iptables or ip6tables, that do not conflict with the table or chain "
        "attributes.") ]
    string Rule;

class LMI_FirewalldDirectChain: LMI_FirewalldDirect
    [ Implemented(true), Description("The table name where the chain will be "
        "created. This can be one of the tables that can be used for "
        "iptables or ip6tables. For the possible values, please have a look "
        "at the TABLES section in the iptables man pages: For IPv4 in "
        "iptables(8), for IPv6 in ip6tables(8).") ]
    string Table;

    [ Implemented(true), Description("The name of the chain, that will be "
        "created. Please make sure that there is no other chain with this "
        "name already.") ]
    string Chain;

class LMI_FirewalldDirectPassthrough: LMI_FirewalldDirect
    [ Implemented(true), Description("The Rule can be any arguments of "
        "iptables or ip6tables.") ]
    string Rule;

[ Association, Provider("cmpi:cmpiLMI_Firewalld"), Version("0.0.1"),
  Description("LMI_HostedFirewalldDirect association denotes which Firewalld "
    "direct configuration rules are used on given Computer System."),
  Experimental ]
class LMI_HostedFirewalldDirect: CIM_ElementSettingData
    [ Key, Description("Computer System that has the direct firewall "
        "configuration."), Override("ManagedElement") ]
    CIM_ComputerSystem REF ManagedElement;

    [ Key, Description("Direct firewall configuration that exist on given "
        "Computer System."), Override("SettingData") ]
    LMI_FirewalldDirectConfiguration REF SettingData;

[ Association, Provider("cmpi:cmpiLMI_Firewalld"), Version("0.0.1"),
Description("LMI_FirewalldDirectConfigurationComponent association describes "
    "Direct rules that are part of the Direct Configuration."), Experimental ]
class LMI_FirewalldDirectConfigurationComponent: CIM_OrderedComponent
    [ Key, Description("Firewalld Direct Configuration that the Direct rule "
        "is part of."), Override("GroupComponent") ]
    LMI_FirewalldDirectConfiguration REF GroupComponent;

    [ Key, Description("Firewalld Direct rule that is part of Direct "
        "Configuration."), Override("PartComponent") ]
    LMI_FirewalldDirect REF PartComponent;

[ Association, Provider("cmpi:cmpiLMI_Firewalld"), Version("0.0.1"),
  Description("LMI_HostedFirewalldService association can be used to obtain "
    "all firewalld services that are defined on given Computer System."),
  Experimental ]
class LMI_HostedFirewalldService: CIM_ElementSettingData
    [ Key, Description("Computer System that has the firewalld services "
        "defined."), Override("ManagedElement") ]
    CIM_ComputerSystem REF ManagedElement;

    [ Key, Description("Firewalld service that is defined on given "
        "Computer System."), Override("SettingData") ]
    LMI_FirewalldService REF SettingData;

[ Association, Provider("cmpi:cmpiLMI_Firewalld"), Version("0.0.1"),
  Description("LMI_HostedFirewalldICMPType association can be used to obtain "
    "all defined firewalld ICMP types that are defined on given Computer "
    "System."), Experimental ]
class LMI_HostedFirewalldICMPType: CIM_ElementSettingData
    [ Key, Description("Computer System that has the firewalld ICMP types "
        "defined."), Override("ManagedElement") ]
    CIM_ComputerSystem REF ManagedElement;

    [ Key, Description("ICMP types that is defined on given Computer System."),
      Override("SettingData") ]
    LMI_FirewalldDirectConfiguration REF SettingData;