
Class reference

Subclass of CIM_OrderedComponent

LMI_FirewalldZoneComponent association describes Rules that are part of the Zone. There is two layers of configuration, Current and Permanent, Current configuration describes how is the firewall configured right now. Permanent configuration on the other hand describes the state of firewall after system reboot or firewalld service reconfiguration.

Local properties

boolean IsPermanent

True value of the IsPermanent property means that the Rule (PartComponent) is a part of permanent zone configuration.

LMI_FirewalldZone GroupComponent

Firewalld Zone that the Rule is part of.

LMI_FirewalldRule PartComponent

Firewalld Rule that describes behavior for incoming packets.

boolean IsCurrent

True value of the IsCurrent property means that the Rule (PartComponent) is a part of current (run-time) zone configuration.

Local methods


Inherited properties

Inherited methods


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