
Class reference

Subclass of CIM_Service

This is an abstract base class, derived from the Service class. It is deprecated in Version 2.7 with the recommendation that the Service class be subclassed instead. Distinguishing between services that modify traffic versus supporting basic communication has not proved useful.

Local properties

string[] StartupConditions

Deprecated! This is a free-form array of strings that specify any specific pre-conditions that must be met in order for this service to start correctly. It was expected that subclasses would refine the inherited StartService() method to suit their specific needs. To-date, this refinement has not been necessary. Also, the property is not very useful, since it is not standardized. If this was a necessary construct, then it would be required higher in the inheritance hierarchy (on Service). The latter has not proven true. Therefore, the property is deprecated.

string[] StartupParameters

This is a free-form array of strings that specify any specific parameters that must be supplied to the StartService() method in order for this service to start correctly. It was expected that subclasses would refine the inherited StartService() methods to suit their specific needs. To-date, this refinement has not been necessary. If indeed the method were refined, then its parameters would more formally convey this information. Therefore, the property is deprecated.

string ServiceURL

Deprecated! This is a URL that provides the protocol, network location, and other service-specific information required in order to access the service. It is deprecated with the recommendation that ServiceAccessURI be instantiated instead. This new class correctly positions the semantics of the service access, and clarifies the format of the information.

string[] Keywords

This is a free-form array of strings that provide descriptive words and phrases that can be used in queries. To-date, this property has not been implemented, since it is not standardized. Also, if this was a necessary query construct, then it would be required higher in the inheritance hierarchy. The latter has not proven necessary. Therefore, the property is deprecated.

Local methods
