Class reference¶
Subclass of CIM_DNSProtocolEndpoint
A class derived from CIM_ProtocolEndpoint which represents the DNS client and DNS configuration for a single IP endpoint. The DNS server addresses can be determined by querying the AccessInfo property of associated CIM_RemoteServiceAccessPoint instances which have an AccessContext of “DNS Server”. The order in which the DNS servers will be queried can be determined by the relative values of the OrderOfAccess property on each CIM_RemoteAccessAvailableToElement association which associated the CIM_RemoteServiceAccessPoint with the CIM_DNSProtocolEndpoint.
Key properties¶
Local properties¶
Local methods¶
Inherited properties¶
boolean AppendParentSuffixes
uint16 RequestedState
uint16 HealthState
string[] StatusDescriptions
string DomainName
string InstanceID
string Hostname
uint16 CommunicationStatus
string SystemName
datetime TimeOfLastStateChange
string Status
string ElementName
string Description
uint16 TransitioningToState
uint64 Generation
string NameFormat
uint16 PrimaryStatus
boolean RegisterThisConnectionsAddress
uint16 DetailedStatus
uint16[] DHCPOptionsToUse
string Name
datetime InstallDate
uint16 ProtocolIFType
uint16 EnabledDefault
uint16 EnabledState
string Caption
string OtherTypeDescription
uint16[] AvailableRequestedStates
boolean AppendPrimarySuffixes
boolean BroadcastResetSupported
uint16 ProtocolType
string OtherEnabledState
uint16[] OperationalStatus
uint16 OperatingStatus
string[] DNSSuffixesToAppend
string CreationClassName
boolean UseSuffixWhenRegistering
string SystemCreationClassName