Class reference¶
Subclass of CIM_IPNetworkConnection
LMI_IPNetworkConnection represents the IP network connection in the system, Eg. “Local Area Connection”,”eth0”
Key properties¶
Local properties¶
string ElementName
Human readable device name
uint16 OperatingStatus
OperatingStatus provides a current status value for the operational condition of the element. It can also provide the transitional states when an element is transitioning from one state to another.
OperatingStatus consists of one of the following values: Unknown, Not Available, Starting, Stopping, Stopped, Aborted, Dormant, In Service
- Unknown indicates the implementation is in general capable of returning this property, but is unable to do so at this time.
- Not Available indicates that the device is recognized, but not managed by implementation
- Starting describes an element being initialized.
- Stopping describes an element being brought to an orderly stop.
- Stopped describes an element can be activate, but is currently idle
- Aborted indicates that the element is unable to complete requested action (usually activate the connection).
- Dormant indicates that the element is not available to use. Reasons might include the wireless switched off, missing firmware, no ethernet carrier, missing supplicant or modem manager, etc.
- In Service describes an element that is in service and operational.
ValueMap Values 0 Unknown 1 Not Available 3 Starting 4 Stopping 5 Stopped 6 Aborted 7 Dormant 16 In Service
Local methods¶
Inherited properties¶
uint16 RequestedState
uint16 HealthState
string[] StatusDescriptions
string InstanceID
uint16 CommunicationStatus
string SystemName
string Status
string Description
uint16 TransitioningToState
datetime TimeOfLastStateChange
uint16 PrimaryStatus
uint16 DetailedStatus
string Name
datetime InstallDate
uint16 EnabledDefault
uint16 EnabledState
string Caption
string ID
uint16[] AvailableRequestedStates
uint64 Generation
string OtherEnabledState
uint16[] OperationalStatus
string CreationClassName
string SystemCreationClassName