Class reference¶
Subclass of CIM_LinkAggregator8023ad
The LinkAggregator8023ad class represents an instance of an 802.3ad aggregator in a system. The word actor is used in property names to refer to the local entity of an aggregation.
Key properties¶
Local properties¶
Local methods¶
Inherited properties¶
uint16 RequestedState
uint16 HealthState
string[] StatusDescriptions
string InstanceID
uint16 CommunicationStatus
string ActorSystemID
string SystemName
datetime TimeOfLastStateChange
string Status
string ElementName
string Description
uint16 TransitioningToState
uint16 ActorAdminKey
uint64 Generation
string NameFormat
uint16 PrimaryStatus
uint16 DetailedStatus
datetime TimeOfLastOperChange
string Name
datetime InstallDate
uint16 ProtocolIFType
uint16 EnabledDefault
uint16 EnabledState
uint16 ActorSystemPriority
string Caption
datetime CollectorMaxDelay
boolean RepresentsAggregate
string OtherTypeDescription
uint16[] AvailableRequestedStates
string MACAddress
boolean BroadcastResetSupported
uint16 ProtocolType
uint16 ActorOperKey
string OtherEnabledState
uint16[] OperationalStatus
uint16 OperatingStatus
string CreationClassName
string SystemCreationClassName